4 Easy-to-Find Laundry Care Brands for the Cruelty-Free Consumer

At this point in our human evolution, I think we all know not to drink laundry detergent or pour it in our eyes. So why is it still being tested on animals this way? Instead of reaching for the Tide or the Clorox the next time you do laundry, how about trying one of these cruelty-free brands instead?

[For a full list of all Leaping Bunny-approved laundry brands, go to the Leaping Bunny shopping guide, click the ‘Filter By’ tab and choose ‘Laundry.’]


Caldrea -- Find in Stores or Online

Love aromatherapy? Try out Caldrea’s line of detergent which comes in 9 wonderful scents, including Rosewater Driftwood and Basil Blue Sage. In addition to standard products like fabric softener and dryer sheets, Caldrea’s laundry line also includes linen spray and a delicate wash formula.

Seventh Generation -- Find in Stores or Online

This company offers just about everything you could want for your home -- paper towels to wood cleaner to garbage bags to dishwasher pods -- and they’ve got your laundry needs covered as well. Seventh Generation’s laundry care line includes all the basics -- everything from detergent for sensitive skin to chlorine-free bleach -- and is easy to find in major grocery stores, pharmacies and retailers like Target.

Biokleen -- Find in Stores or Online

Like Seventh Generation, Biokleen has a whole range of household products in addition to their laundry line. The line includes cold water and sports formulas, as well as a powerful natural stain remover.

Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day -- Find in Stores or Online

I currently use the Basil liquid detergent and dryer sheets, both of which have been gentle on our clothes and our skin. Though I haven’t counted, the 64 loads per bottle seems accurate; it’s super concentrated and a little goes a long way. The line includes all your basics and is available in several scents, including Geranium, Lavender and Baby Blossom, which is made especially for wee ones.